For me, the first quarter of the special science
curriculum is like riding a roller coaster. It has ups and downs in terms of
the ease and difficulty of the Teachers' activities, projects, and quizzes. But
giving up isn’t in my vocabulary. why would I give up if this is the only way
for me to learn more?
This first quarter taught me a lot of new things, such as the current and how a light bulb works. and other information such as when email, the internet, and other things were discovered, Its primary focus was on the Internet, one of the most widely used forms of technology in today's society. I learned its origins and some of its fundamental concepts over the course of a few months, including its history, the people responsible for why the Internet is what it is today, its benefits, uses, and more.. About theories and the creation of the Philippine plate, about the different impressionist and expressionists and their Obra maestras.
Learning different lessons in a span of two months is difficult, we cannot avoid misunderstandings, especially in our BE subject, but as time passes, I can easily understand the lessons by paying attention in our class, doing some advance reading about the topics given. I can’t wait to learn more, the fact that it is just the beginning of my Grade 10 journey. To our dearest teachers, thank you Ma'ams and Sirs for your time and sacrifices. We promise to bring these learning to a whole new level. This time, we will make you proud!
Keep fighting, Jasmine. We are so proud of you.