Monday, January 30, 2023

Viva San Pablo, Viva Vigan!!!



Traditionally, the fiesta is a time of joyful celebration for Filipinos. Fiesta is about your family and your friends sharing time together.  January is one of the biggest month of Vigan where they celebrate their cityhood and to give honor to their dearest patron, St. Paul.

Vigan City Fiesta is held every January 25. The Vigan City Fiesta usually lasts for several days. It includes within the period the celebration of Kannawidan and the anniversary of the cityhood of Vigan, which is commemorated every January 27.

Biguenos from all over the country and even abroad return to Vigan to join their family and friends in the celebration of their fiesta. They are joined by thousands of visitors from other parts of the Philippines and other countries in enjoying the cultural shows, parades and street dancing. There are also food fairs, arts and crafts exhibits, as well as a visiting carnival.


 Participants from the different neighboring provinces in the northern region are also sent to compete in the various games and activities, particularly the street dancing competition. This participation by other municipalities makes the Vigan City Fiesta not only a local event participated in by Vigan’s officials, but a national event participated in by other local public heads and national officials. Within the Vigan City Fiesta days, the Longganisa Festival is also celebrated.



Joining the celebration is quite exhausting but I guarantee that you’ll find yourself enjoying.

Ilocos Sur is a beautiful province located in the northern Luzon. This year’s celebration was full of surprises. They invited many popular TV artist, conducted so many competitions. One of them was the street dancing competition where different provinces and other neighboring provinces showcased their cultures.

I can tell the joy to experience. I enjoyed watching the colorful costumes of the street dancers. That was only one of the main events. What more if you’ve gone all of them.


Some traditions and cultures are slowly fading and younger generations unrecognized it and Kannawidan is a great way to bring these back and won't let it totally fade.




Tuesday, January 3, 2023

A Better Version of Myself


Happy New Year! I've made many promises in my life. Some  of them were accomplished, some of them were not. But either way, I will continue to finish all of them. There's nothing to loss if you try.


 This year, I want to be a better student, a better daughter, a better friend. As a student, no more cramming, no more low grades. As a daughter, no more laziness. As a friend, be good always and just go with the flow. Hoping to achieve all. For myself, I want to be more responsible, more active in sports. I want to change my lifestyle, my life rather.


Myself first before others. Many understood what it means. You may use it the positive way or the negative way. Do not be afraid to challenge yourself. This year, try to be new, better, and be the best. Try to change your life for a better. For these upcoming years, you'll be meeting these new things, new changes. I've finally come to the realization that becoming a better version of yourself doesn't imply being perfect or knowing everything there is to know. Being a better version of yourself means understanding who you are, being able to own up to your mistakes, and rising back up after a fall. You must be capable of accepting criticism and advise without taking it personally. You must develop personally and take lessons from anything that comes your way.


Love, Family, God : Christmas


"'Tis the season to be jolly, Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la..." as the song goes. Every year, it is in our tradition to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ on December 25. Here in the Philippines, we have the longest Christmas season starting from September up to December.


It is truly indeed the most wonderful time of the year where people only thinks about happiness. It is the season of giving. It's not the gift that we want to give but actually we want extend the warm greetings, our sincerest gratitude, and most important of all, we want to give love. The holiday season is different this year for all of us. I feel like it's odd to be "celebrating" after one of the toughest years for our country, but mentally and emotionally, I am really ready for that joy the holidays normally bring: closeness, family, tradition and new memories.


We cannot measure ones love by the their gifts, the price, and whatsoever. Back then I realized the true meaning of the saying, "It's better to give than to receive." Even though you don't have any money, gifts, or delicious food to eat at Christmas, as long as you have your family to accompany with and rejoice, I tell you, you have the best Christmas celebration ever. Merry Christmas!



Junior High School, Done! Senior High School, Hello!

I have been counting down the days since the beginning of our Junior High School year. I could still remember, it seems like just yesterday ...