The COVID-19 pandemic affected everyone’s lives and our way of living – everyone, worldwide. As a student, I needed to adjust to the biggest change, specifically the way I continued our learning modality, from-face-to-face (F-2-F) to modular/virtual/distance learning. We didn’t even know the word F-2-F existed before. Before, when we say classes, it means inside the classroom. Now, we know the terms online classes and virtual learning. All these things were happening fast, and everything was a blur. Suddenly, our problem already included sharing internet with my dad’s company internet. And then the next month, my dad was already applying for the fastest internet available in the market.
At first, coping up with the modular distance learning was hard. We only shared one desktop in the house. The internet was limited. The modules were coming in with limited instructions, just “answer items #2, 3, 7, and 15.” The next instructions were deadlines for submission, who can go to school to submit, and schedules for the next modules. With these changes, I was able to slowly cope with the new learning routine. First, I needed to set-up my own learning space, just like my dad setting up his own office and meeting space. With the tons of modules coming in, I needed to sort deadlines, prioritize module completion, and phasing of time allotted for learning, rest, and play. This has been my routine for the next 2 years of DLP. It was very stressing at first. The pressure of self-learning is unending. The difficulty was tripled. Of course, I was used to consulting and paying attention to my teachers who know the topics best. Now, I must do all of these on my own.
In the end, the
distance learning program will not be successful without the support system
provided by our teachers, our parents, and my siblings. They were very
instrumental in my adjustments to the “new normal,” as we say. As a personal
note, I realized that we could adapt well to any challenges and changes that may come our way with the right mindset and attitude. Of course, this is not possible
without the support system from my family.
The University of Toronto TEFL Online Hootsuite - Syracuse University ASMS Certificate Earls Kitchen + Bar Elearning Journey
I know that the past 2 years is hard for us students but I'm very proud of you on how you cope up with your studies. Fighting:>